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Modern Apartment Building

Change the way you invest.

Smart Key Capital makes investing in high-quality multifamily apartment buildings accessible, allowing you to diversify your investment portfolio and passively build wealth.


Our goal is to bring our investor partners high quality multi-family opportunities that allow you the ability to continue to focus on your day to day while your investment is passively hard at work. .


Let us show you a powerful vehicle that will allow you to build wealth through your real estate investments - passively.

Advantage: CASH FLOW

Our Investments provide cash flow to investors as the equity appreciates over time. As the building improves and rents increase, owners benefit from the increasing profit.


We invest in high-quality multifamily apartment buildings in growing areas of the US. We undergo thorough market analysis, and an intensive underwriting process with our experienced teams.

We helps our investors achieve superior risk-adjusted returns through passively investing in multifamily apartments.

Advantage: TAX

Commercial real estate is the most favorable tax efficient vehicle you can own. Depreciation is a free tax write-off that allows you to keep more profits in your pocket.


We provide investor partners with two main things:

- The education around investing in real estate as a way to diversify your investment portfolio and passively build wealth.

- A consistent flow of well-vetted, multifamily apartment investment opportunities, available to investors.

Advantage: STABILITY

Real estate is less volatile and has historically outperformed the S&P 500. Especially during economic downturns.

Invest with us

Contact us, follow our company and schedule a call so we can learn more about your fiancial goals and how we can help you acheive them. 

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